Tobacco Industry in Chile

Tobacco-related economic data for Chile

Did you know that Chile’s tobacco industry is a complex and dynamic sector, facing challenges such as illicit trade, taxation, and regulatory hurdles? Despite these obstacles, the industry continues to show resilience and offers growth opportunities. Dive into our comprehensive analysis of Chile’s tobacco landscape and uncover the factors shaping this fascinating market. Stay informed and ahead of the curve with our in-depth exploration of the tobacco industry in Chile.

Market Overview

The tobacco industry in Chile has experienced significant changes over the years, with a mix of challenges and opportunities shaping its landscape. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the industry, including market trends, regulatory environment, illicit trade, economic implications, and social and cultural factors.

Key Players in the Chilean Tobacco Market

Chile’s tobacco market is dominated by a few major players, including British American Tobacco (BAT), Philip Morris International (PMI), and Japan Tobacco International (JTI). These companies have established a strong presence in the country, offering a wide range of products to cater to the diverse preferences of Chilean consumers.

Market Trends and Opportunities

Despite the challenges posed by regulatory measures and illicit trade, the Chilean tobacco market continues to offer growth opportunities. Some of the key trends driving the industry include the increasing popularity of alternative tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, as well as the growing demand for premium and niche brands.

Tobacco Control Policies

Chile has implemented various tobacco control policies in line with the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). These measures include restrictions on smoking in public places, advertising bans, and graphic health warnings on cigarette packages. The government has also been working to strengthen tobacco control efforts through the introduction of new legislation and initiatives.

Taxation and Pricing

Taxes play a crucial role in shaping the tobacco market in Chile. The government has been using taxation as a tool to discourage tobacco consumption and generate revenue for public health initiatives. However, high taxes have also contributed to the growth of illicit trade in the country, as consumers seek cheaper alternatives.

Impact on the Industry

Illicit trade in tobacco products poses a significant challenge to the Chilean tobacco industry. Smuggled cigarettes and other tobacco products not only undermine the market share of legitimate businesses but also result in substantial losses in tax revenue for the government.

Government Efforts to Combat Illicit Trade

The Chilean government has been taking various measures to address the issue of illicit trade, including strengthening border controls, enhancing surveillance and enforcement, and collaborating with neighboring countries to tackle cross-border smuggling. These efforts have led to some success in curbing the flow of illegal tobacco products into the country.

Employment and Livelihoods

The tobacco industry in Chile provides employment opportunities for thousands of people, including farmers, factory workers, and retailers. The sector also supports the livelihoods of many families, particularly in rural areas where tobacco cultivation is a significant source of income.

Tax Revenues and Public Finance

Tobacco taxes are an important source of revenue for the Chilean government, helping to fund public health initiatives and other social programs. However, the growth of illicit trade has led to a decline in tax revenues, putting pressure on public finances and limiting the government’s ability to invest in health and social services.

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion

Despite the restrictions on tobacco advertising in Chile, tobacco companies have found creative ways to promote their products and maintain brand visibility. This includes the use of point-of-sale displays, sponsorship of events, and the launch of limited-edition packaging designs.

Public Perception and Attitudes

Public attitudes towards tobacco in Chile have evolved over time, with increasing awareness of the health risks associated with smoking and the impact of secondhand smoke. This has led to a decline in smoking prevalence and greater support for tobacco control measures. However, the industry continues to face challenges in changing deeply ingrained cultural norms and social acceptance of tobacco use.

What are the main tobacco brands in Chile?

The main tobacco brands in Chile include Marlboro, Belmont, Dunhill, Hilton, Kent, Kool, and Lucky Strike . Marlboro, produced by Philip Morris International, is the most popular brand of cigarettes in the country . Other brands such as Belmont, Dunhill, Hilton, Kent, Kool, and Lucky Strike are produced by British American Tobacco .

What are the most popular tobacco products in Chile?

The most popular tobacco products in Chile are cigarettes, with Marlboro being the most popular brand among Chilean consumers . Other major cigarette brands in the country include Belmont, Dunhill, Hilton, Kent, Kool, and Lucky Strike .

How does the tobacco industry in Chile compare to other countries in the region?

Details: In comparison to other countries in the region, Chile has one of the highest smoking prevalence rates, with 33.3% of the population being current smokers . Despite the implementation of various tobacco control policies, the prevalence of tobacco use in Chile remains high, and the country has been leading the tobacco burden ranking in the Latin American region for the last ten years . However, there has been a decrease in smoking prevalence in recent years, from 42.2% in 2009-2010 to 32.5% in 2016-2017 .

What are the current regulations on tobacco in Chile?

Age restrictions on tobacco sales

In Chile, the sale of tobacco products is prohibited to persons under the age of 18 .

Smoke-free environments

Chile has implemented smoke-free policies in line with the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). Smoking is banned in indoor public places, indoor workplaces, and on public transport. However, some exceptions apply, such as designated smoking areas in psychiatric hospitals that do not have open-air spaces or whose patients cannot access them .

Advertising bans

Chile has banned most forms of tobacco advertising and promotion. However, point-of-sale product displays are allowed, provided that health warnings on packaging are visible .

Tobacco industry interference**
Chile has faced high interference from the tobacco industry in its public tobacco control policies. The Industry Interference Index in its 2020 version notes that Chile is the 4th country most seriously affected by this strategy, ranking behind Colombia, Ecuador, and Argentina .

Tobacco packaging and labeling regulations

Chile requires graphic health warnings on cigarette packages, covering 50% of the principal display areas on the front and back of packages .


The tobacco industry in Chile is a complex and dynamic sector, facing a range of challenges and opportunities. While the government’s efforts to regulate the industry and curb tobacco consumption have had some success, the growth of illicit trade and the persistence of social and cultural factors continue to shape the market. As the industry evolves, it will be crucial for stakeholders to adapt to the changing landscape and seize new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Chile’s tobacco industry is dominated by major players such as British American Tobacco (BAT), Philip Morris International (PMI), and Japan Tobacco International (JTI) . The industry faces challenges such as high taxes, illicit trade, and regulatory measures, but it also offers growth opportunities in alternative tobacco products and premium brands .


  • Chile has a smoking prevalence of 33.3% .
  • In 2017, 16,472 deaths in Chile were attributable to smoking, representing around 16% of all deaths .
  • The Chilean health system spends approximately 1.15 trillion pesos annually (around USD 1.8 billion) on healthcare treatment for illnesses caused by smoking .


  1. Who are the key players in the Chilean tobacco market?
    The key players in the Chilean tobacco market are British American Tobacco (BAT), Philip Morris International (PMI), and Japan Tobacco International (JTI) .
  2. What are the main challenges faced by the tobacco industry in Chile?
    The main challenges faced by the tobacco industry in Chile include high taxes, illicit trade, and regulatory measures .
  3. What are the growth opportunities in the Chilean tobacco market?
    Growth opportunities in the Chilean tobacco market include alternative tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, as well as the growing demand for premium and niche brands .
  4. How does the Chilean government regulate the tobacco industry?
    The Chilean government regulates the tobacco industry through various tobacco control policies, including restrictions on smoking in public places, advertising bans, and graphic health warnings on cigarette packages .
  5. What is the impact of illicit trade on the Chilean tobacco industry?
    Illicit trade in tobacco products undermines the market share of legitimate businesses and results in substantial losses in tax revenue for the government .
  6. How is the Chilean government addressing the issue of illicit trade?
    The Chilean government is addressing the issue of illicit trade by strengthening border controls, enhancing surveillance and enforcement, and collaborating with neighboring countries to tackle cross-border smuggling .
  7. What are the economic implications of the tobacco industry in Chile?
    The tobacco industry in Chile provides employment opportunities for thousands of people and supports the livelihoods of many families, particularly in rural areas where tobacco cultivation is a significant source of income . However, the growth of illicit trade has led to a decline in tax revenues, putting pressure on public finances .
  8. How does tobacco advertising and promotion affect the Chilean tobacco market?
    Despite restrictions on tobacco advertising in Chile, tobacco companies have found creative ways to promote their products and maintain brand visibility, such as point-of-sale displays, sponsorship of events, and limited-edition packaging designs .
  9. What is the public perception of tobacco in Chile?
    Public attitudes towards tobacco in Chile have evolved over time, with increasing awareness of the health risks associated with smoking and the impact of secondhand smoke. This has led to a decline in smoking prevalence and greater support for tobacco control measures .
  10. How does tobacco taxation affect the Chilean tobacco market?
    Taxes play a crucial role in shaping the tobacco market in Chile. The government uses taxation as a tool to discourage tobacco consumption and generate revenue for public health initiatives. However, high taxes have also contributed to the growth of illicit trade in the country .
  11. What is the prevalence of smoking in Chile?
    The prevalence of smoking in Chile is 33.3% .
  12. How many deaths in Chile are attributable to smoking?
    In 2017, 16,472 deaths in Chile were attributable to smoking, representing around 16% of all deaths .
  13. How much does the Chilean health system spend on healthcare treatment for illnesses caused by smoking?
    The Chilean health system spends approximately 1.15 trillion pesos annually (around USD 1.8 billion) on healthcare treatment for illnesses caused by smoking .
  14. What is the impact of tobacco control policies on youth smoking in Chile?
    Tobacco control policies, such as cigarette prices and nonprice measures targeted at youth, have been associated with a reduction in smoking onset among young people in Chile .
  15. What is the potential impact of increasing cigarette prices in Chile?
    Increasing cigarette prices in Chile could lead to a reduction in smoking prevalence, a decrease in the health burden and economic costs of smoking, and an increase in tax revenues .


  1. The Master Plant: Tobacco in Lowland South America .

Sources of information:

  1. TobaccoTactics: Chile-Country Profile
  2. Illicit trade and real prices of cigarettes in Chile – PMC – NCBI
  3. Tobacco in Chile | Market Research Report – Euromonitor


  1. Tobacco agriculture trade Chile 2022 country profile – World Health Organization (WHO)
  2. Health burden and economic costs of smoking in Chile: The potential impact of increasing cigarettes prices | PLOS ONE
  3. Association of Tobacco Control Policies With Youth Smoking Onset in Chile – JAMA Network